Friday, November 4, 2022

Sayonara Korea

I have some more things to post about Korea, but for those who are keeping track of the current location of not-flat Karen, I'm on my way to Incheon airport for the flight to Tokyo  (If you're keeping track of Flat Karen, she was posing for photo ops in the office yesterday).

Once again,  the beginning of a new phase has set my anxiety level on overdrive. Trying to breathe like the monks taught me...( iswida....naeswida)

I realized today just exactly how much assistance Ive had in getting from place to place.  I don't mean just strangers,  I haven't gotten anywhere without at least a little help from someone I knew,  even when I was doing the traveling on my own. 

Guess it's time to take off the training wheels,  and see if I'm really cut out to be a solo International nomad. Wish me luck!

**side note: I'm so glad I'm doing this all in the time of the internet, and not relying on guidebooks.

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