Monday, November 7, 2022

Mt Fuji

When I woke up, Mt Fuji was completely obscured by a low cloud cover. But having grown up in Fresno with fog, I didn't completely despair. It peaked for about 90 seconds, and then poof, it was gone again. And then the clouds disappeared like vapor (which is in fact appropriate), and there was the mountain in all its glory.

Kawaguchi is clearly a resort town. Lots of tourists from many countries, but mostly Japanese tourists. 

I understand that the mountain has great spiritual meaning for the Japanese people. I believe people plan pilgrimages to climb it, much like the Chinese all desire to climb the Great Wall at least once. 

There's a long 'gentle' assent from one side that I can see from here. Access is closed after September, because there's snow, so my pilgrimage stops at my hotel window. 

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